Google Analytics is Changing

On June 30th Universal Analytics will no longer track data. If you do not convert your site to use Google Analytics 4, you will no longer be able to collect stats or see visitor data on your website. You can read more about the announcement here, Google Universal Analytics is Going Away

We can install a new Google Analytics 4 module on your site, setup, and configure the new Google Analytics 4 property on your site. Unfortunately Google does not allow the data from Universal Analytics to be imported into the new Google Analytics 4 property. Still setting up the new property is key to being able to track your traffic, SEO and conversions.

PrestaShop Google Analytics 4 Conversion Service

GA4 Conversion

With our Google Analytics 4 conversion service, we will create a new Google Analytics 4 property for your site. We will set the property up to correctly handle e-commerce tracking, and test that the property is working.

This service requires a new Google Analytics 4 module that is included in the service, allowing the site to be compatible with the new Google Analytics 4 features and tracking changes.

Once we have the new tracking set up it will take up to 24 hours before the new property starts tracking data. With this service you will need to add our email as an administrator on your Google Analytics account, so we can create the new property. We will also need back office access to your shop as well.

Google Analytics 4 Conversion Service


Create GA4 Property
Provide and Configure GA4 Module
Test Tracking